What Have You “Planted” and Forgotten About?

My garden this year was going to be lame. In the hustle and bustle of getting ready for our Italy trip in May, I barely glanced at my raised beds this spring. I accepted planting was just going to have to wait. Expectations were low.

Lo and behold, when I had time in June to tend to my little plot of soil, the lettuce was standing tall.  Lettuce I had planted a YEAR ago.  For a person in ag, I’m a little embarrassed to say I did not know lettuce would come back. But I’m glad it did. In fact, my son puts several pieces of my fresh lettuce on his sandwich every day as he packs his lunch to go to his internship. We are enjoying fresh salads and BLTs.

Why am I writing about lettuce?

This Lactuca sativa (lettuce family!) made me think about the many aspects of communication where we may “plant and forget.”  Whether it be jotting down a good idea for a speech or making a call for an aspiring intern, we are constantly planting communication.  The seed we sow and forget about just might come on strong and surprise us at some point.  Pausing to notice – and remember – can yield a fresh crop of ideas or inspiration. The joy of a forgotten seed can brighten one’s day.

What words or ideas have you “planted” lately?  Perhaps it is time to revisit and fertilize your communication! Of course, always enjoy the surprise of a planted word or idea, coming back around.


Time to Enjoy Ornamedibles!


When in Rome...Be Relatable!