Time to Enjoy Ornamedibles!

We have reached my favorite month of the year – not only is it my birth month (I totally embrace birthdays) - but of course August brings us the Indiana State Fair. As a self-proclaimed “fair fanatic,” I have been attending, competing at and appreciating the Indiana State Fair since 1977. Yet, I was “today” years old when I learned a new word compliments of the Purdue Extension Marion County team.

Here is their pre-fair post: “Don’t forget to visit the Purdue Extension Marion County Demonstration Garden on the north side of the Fairgrounds. Here you can see All-America Selections (AAS) award-winning plants that are “ornamedible” (have both edible & ornamental qualities).”

What a great word – and concept! There is so much about the fair that is edible (hello Dairy Bar!), yet also so much to look at and experience. From chatting with the fine folks at Pioneer Village to admiring the largest pumpkin to pondering all the hard work of the 4-H exhibits, much could be considered “ornamedible” as a feast for the senses.

The Indiana State Fair brings together people from all corners of the state to celebrate all things agriculture while enjoying food, fun and friendship.

Here’s to Ornamedibles – hope to see you at the Fair!


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