It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

While this phrase might make you think of snowflakes and Christmas trees, in my house this clearly refers to the Indiana State Fair. Since 1977, the Indiana State Fair has held a special spot in my heart. I’ll never forget peering out the window as we drove our horse trailer down majestic Meridian Street in Indianapolis and pulling into the Fairgrounds. (How full circle is it I drive down that street weekly now!) It felt like we were in Southern Indiana as it took three hours to get to Indy from my hometown of Goshen.

As a 10-year 4-Her, showing at the Indiana State Fair was the site of numerous life lessons - in a future blog I’ll share an important culmination that happened in the Coliseum. As a grad student, I worked on the news team at the fair, cementing my love for the “backstory” of the fair and all it takes to pull off this massive event. Moving back to Indiana in 1995 meant starting to exhibit in the Culinary Arts Open Class Contests. The most common question I am asked in July now is “What are you exhibiting at the Fair?” The arrival of our first child was well timed for late July 21 years ago, as that meant I could go to the State Fair every day while on maternity leave!

Being “Back Home Again” in Indiana also meant serving as a 4-H Public Speaking Judge at the Fair for more than 25 years. Having stood on that stage in the 4-H Exhibit Hall, I know first hand the butterflies-in-the-tummy feeling and hope my work as a judge encouraged generations of youth to keep giving speeches.

I’m in my 33rd year of being part of a larger agricultural village, and the State Fair is truly my happy place as I see colleagues from across ag - now many are clients! I continue to help host Corteva’s Featured Farmers who are amazing ambassadors for modern agriculture. There’s no doubt “The Year of the Farmer” In 2015 when that program started was my favorite work project ever.

So here we are on “Fair Eve” - starting by celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the Indiana Soybean Alliance’s Glass Barn. Wishing everyone a wonderful fair of fun, memory making and of course - ICE CREAM!


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