The Power of Perspective - Are You Using Yours?

The Power of Perspective – Are You Using Yours?

I was in a café appropriately named “Good Karma” when the realization hit me:  Perspective is powerful.  The ability to look back to inform moving forward is a gift we are each given daily.  Perhaps perspective was even more powerful for me that bright spring day as I travelled in a city where I learned some tough life lessons several decades back.  Back in those “prehistoric” days before the Internet and iPhones, my perspective “bank” was growing even though I wasn’t especially mindful of it.  Situations that felt dark at the time were really a nudge to take a path that led me in a positive direction.

My continued banking of life experiences helped me build a career and a community that is powering my #NextChapterKRF.   My views on being a positive person, interacting with people who bring joy vs. negativity, and the importance of self-care are just examples of areas where I am exercising my power of perspective to build a business while enjoying my family.  

When is the last time YOU summoned your power of perspective?  What hints from your past are helping you unlock your puzzles of the future?  Here’s to each of us opening the gift of perspective on a daily basis.


The Lost Art of Looking – Hey World, Eyes Up!