Go Back to Your Base

 How strong is your base? Are you tapping it? No, I’m not talking about building a house or politics;  but one’s base experiences. I recently had cause to pause as I was working on a project for a client.  I was stuck for a moment.  In determining the next step, I realized it was experience from my FIRST job that instinctively came to mind and help me take the next step.  The base I established 30 years ago set my foundation for client service and responsiveness.   The importance of clear client contact reports, time management and asking good questions are examples of “base” skills that I rely on every day.   I was imprinted with important ways of working that have stood the test of time between my first gig out of grad school and where I am today as my own boss.   I certainly have built many more skills along the way, and enhanced them with global experience, but it’s good to know my base is always a good starting point.What base skills are helping you thrive? Don’t forget about them! Also remember those coming behind you – what “imprint” are you helping them form? 


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I Said Good-Bye, I Said Hello